Usage Information

General Usage:

You are NOT ALLOWED to resell or redistribute this package or the files within in any way or method. (That means don't email or send to your friends, and no selling to anyone else.)

Evan Eckard retains full copyright of all imagery used within, you are purchasing a license to use this artwork only. I.e. the artwork within may get used elsewhere by me in another project.

You are allowed full usage of this art bundle for any project needs. This includes websites, thumbnails, merchandise, video content, etc.

You're allowed to modify, customize and edit as needed.

Don't steal or re-sell, it's bad karma.

YouTube Banner Usage:

You are NOT ALLOWED to resell or redistribute this template in any way or method. (That means don't email or send to your friends, and no selling to anyone else.)

Evan Eckard retains full copyright of all imagery used within, you are purchasing a license to use this artwork only. I.e. the artwork within may get used elsewhere by me in another project.

You are allowed full usage of this template for your YouTube and/or social media channels and websites.

You're allowed to modify, customize and edit as needed.

Extraction: Although you can modify the Item and therefore delete unwanted components before creating your single End Product, you can’t extract and use a single component of an Item on a stand-alone basis. I.e. If the template has an item, you cannot extract that item to use outside of the template.

Fonts used within, are copyright their respective authors.

Don't steal or re-sell, it's bad karma.